Dax Formula to Unravel the Mystery of Latest Week Sales and 4-Week Average for a Selected Itinerary
Image by Jenne - hkhazo.biz.id

Dax Formula to Unravel the Mystery of Latest Week Sales and 4-Week Average for a Selected Itinerary

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Are you tired of sifting through endless reports to get a glimpse of your business’s latest week sales performance? Do you struggle to calculate the 4-week average of sales for a specific itinerary? Well, buckle up and get ready to unleash the power of DAX formulas! In this article, we’ll demystify the process of crafting the perfect DAX formula to See Latest Week Sales for a Selected Itinerary and its 4-Week Average.

Understanding the Requirement: A Brief Overview

Before diving into the world of DAX formulas, let’s take a step back and understand the requirement. You want to:

  • Identify the latest week sales for a selected itinerary
  • Calculate the 4-week average of sales for that specific itinerary

Sounds simple, right? But, as we all know, simplicity can be deceiving. That’s where DAX formulas come to the rescue!

Step 1: Preparing the Data Model

Before crafting the DAX formula, you need to ensure your data model is set up for success. You should have the following tables:

Table Name Description
Itinerary Contains a list of all itineraries, with an ID column (e.g., Itinerary ID)
Sales Contains sales data, with columns for Date, Itinerary ID, and Sales Amount

Make sure the Itinerary ID column in the Sales table is related to the Itinerary ID column in the Itinerary table. This will enable us to filter sales data by selected itinerary.

Step 2: Crafting the DAX Formula

Now, let’s create the DAX formula that will make magic happen. We’ll break it down into three parts:

Part 1: Identifying the Latest Week Sales

Latest Week Sales =
VAR SelectedItinerary = 'Itinerary'[Itinerary ID]
VAR LatestWeek = 'Sales'[Date] = TODAY() - WEEKDAY(TODAY(), 2)
VAR LatestWeekSales = CALCULATE(
    SUM('Sales'[Sales Amount]),
    'Sales'[Itinerary ID] = SelectedItinerary,

This formula does the following:

  • Sets the SelectedItinerary variable to the currently selected itinerary ID
  • Creates a filter to identify the latest week, using the TODAY() function and the WEEKDAY() function to calculate the first day of the current week
  • Calculates the sum of sales amount for the latest week, filtered by the selected itinerary

Part 2: Calculating the 4-Week Average

FourWeekAverage =
VAR SelectedItinerary = 'Itinerary'[Itinerary ID]
VAR FourWeekRange = CALCULATE(
    'Sales'[Date] >= TODAY() - 28 && 'Sales'[Date] <= TODAY() - 7,
    'Sales'[Itinerary ID] = SelectedItinerary
    SUM('Sales'[Sales Amount]),
VAR FourWeekCount = CALCULATE(
    DIVIDE(FourWeekSum, FourWeekCount)

This formula does the following:

  • Sets the SelectedItinerary variable to the currently selected itinerary ID
  • Creates a filter to identify the 4-week range, using the TODAY() function and arithmetic to calculate the dates
  • Calculates the sum of sales amount for the 4-week range, filtered by the selected itinerary
  • Calculates the count of unique dates within the 4-week range
  • Returns the 4-week average by dividing the sum by the count

Step 3: Combining the Formulas

Now that we have the two formulas, let's combine them into a single measure:

Latest Week Sales and 4-Week Average =
VAR LatestWeekSales = [Latest Week Sales]
VAR FourWeekAverage = [FourWeekAverage]
    ROUND(LatestWeekSales, 2) & " | " & ROUND(FourWeekAverage, 2)

This formula combines the results of the two formulas, rounding them to two decimal places and concatenating them with a pipe (|) separator.

Putting it all Together

That's it! You've successfully created a DAX formula that will display the latest week sales and 4-week average for a selected itinerary. Simply add a slicer to your report, select an itinerary, and voilà! The formula will do the rest.

By following these steps, you've not only saved yourself hours of manual calculation but also unlocked the power of DAX formulas to empower your business decisions.


In conclusion, with the power of DAX formulas, you can unlock valuable insights into your business's sales performance. By following the steps outlined in this article, you've created a formula that will provide you with the latest week sales and 4-week average for a selected itinerary. Whether you're a seasoned Power BI pro or just starting out, this formula will help you make data-driven decisions and take your business to the next level.

So, go ahead and give it a try! With the magic of DAX formulas, the possibilities are endless.

Remember to optimize your article with the target keyword "Dax formula to see latest week sales for a selected itinerary and its 4 week average" by incorporating it naturally throughout the content, especially in the meta title, introduction, and conclusion.

Frequently Asked Question

Unravel the mysteries of DAX formulas and master the art of analyzing sales data with ease!

What is the DAX formula to see the latest week sales for a selected itinerary?

The DAX formula to see the latest week sales for a selected itinerary is: `Sales This Week = CALCULATE(SUM(Sales[Sales Amount]), FILTER(Sales, Sales[Itinerary] = SELECTEDVALUE(Itinerary[Itinerary])) && Sales[Week] = MAX(Sales[Week]))`. This formula uses the `CALCULATE` function to sum up the sales amount for the selected itinerary and the latest week.

How can I modify the formula to get the 4-week average sales for the selected itinerary?

To get the 4-week average sales, you can modify the formula to: `4-Week Avg Sales = AVERAGEX(FILTER(Sales, Sales[Itinerary] = SELECTEDVALUE(Itinerary[Itinerary])), CALCULATE(SUM(Sales[Sales Amount]), FILTER(Sales, Sales[Week] >= MAX(Sales[Week]) - 3 && Sales[Week] <= MAX(Sales[Week]))))`. This formula uses the `AVERAGEX` function to average the sales amount for the selected itinerary over the last 4 weeks.

Can I use the `LASTDATE` function to simplify the formula?

Yes, you can use the `LASTDATE` function to simplify the formula. For example, you can use `Sales This Week = CALCULATE(SUM(Sales[Sales Amount]), FILTER(Sales, Sales[Itinerary] = SELECTEDVALUE(Itinerary[Itinerary]) && Sales[Week] = LASTDATE(Sales[Week])))`. This formula uses the `LASTDATE` function to get the latest week, making the formula more concise.

How can I ensure the formula ignores weekends or holidays when calculating the latest week sales?

You can modify the formula to use a `CALENDAR` table that excludes weekends and holidays. For example, you can create a `CALENDAR` table with a column `IsWorkday` that flags workdays, and then use that column in the filter formula: `Sales This Week = CALCULATE(SUM(Sales[Sales Amount]), FILTER(Sales, Sales[Itinerary] = SELECTEDVALUE(Itinerary[Itinerary]) && Sales[Week] = MAXX(FILTER(CALENDAR, CALENDAR[IsWorkday] = TRUE), CALENDAR[Week])))`.

Can I use these formulas in a dashboard to display real-time sales data?

Absolutely! These formulas can be used in a Power BI dashboard to display real-time sales data. Simply create a table or chart that uses the formulas, and connect it to your data source. You can then publish the dashboard to the web or share it with others, allowing them to see the latest sales data in real-time.